This is the documentation for the Shiba API project on GitHub.
Hope you will find what you’re looking for!
Shiba is an API intended to bring an human handlable utilisation of the PriceMinister WebServices with Python.
It works through modules, imported to your scripts to fit your needs.
8-Dec-2014 1.1.2 : Set up a new explicit exception for throttling from PriceMinister, named ShibaQuotaExceededError. Testing is now available both offline (using mock XML) and online.
24-Sep-2014 1.1.1 : Added explicit and mandatory required dependencies to, indeed installing Shiba before didn’t install those.
Changed package name from Shiba to shiba, according to the naming conventions.
22-Sep-2014 1.1 : Return content from the Shiba methods is now more polyvalent, as its own object call ShibaResponseObject. The content attribute from returns is the previous obj itself, namespace freed. Namespace can be found into the namespace attribute, and raw XML from the Web Services is also now available into the rawxml attribute of the ShibaResponseObject class.
12-Sep-2014 1.0.1 : Fixed bug on listing using lists as refs or product IDs.
11-Sep-2014 1.0 : Initial release.