You can get Shiba from PyPi python packet manager or directly from the GitHub repository:
From PyPi:
$ sudo pip install shiba
Download the .tgz from the GitHub repository, extract, and run:
$ install
From Git:
$ git clone git:// && cd shiba && python install
If you have some errors while installing requirements, please install lxml from your package manager.
First, import the main Shiba module, and create an instance of the shibaconnection.ShibaConnection class with your login, account token and domain if you want to work on the sanboxed version of the PriceMinister WebServices.
Then all you have to do is importing the management module you wish to work with, giving it your instanced connection class, and start dealing with those WebServices through its methods.
This example will show you how to get new sales information on your seller account:
from Shiba.shibaconnection import ShibaConnection
from Shiba.salesmanagement import SalesManagement
init = ShibaConnection("mysellerlogin", "mytokenpwd"[, sandbox=True """For testing purpose only (use Sandbox IDs)"""])
salestool = SalesManagement(init)
newsales = salestool.get_new_sales()
Now you can scroll the ShibaResponseObject object returned by the method:
purchaseid =[0].purchaseid # Getting the first sale on the list, retrieving the purchase ID
purchasedate =[0].purchasedate # Retrieving the purchase date
for each in newsales.content.iterchildren():
print each.tag # Will print each tag nodes from the first level
print newsales.namespace # Will print the current namespace (not that useful, but can help for some cases of further development)
print newsales.rawxml # Display the whole XML returned from WebServices and processed by Shiba
And here we go! All you have to do is to find the methods fitting your needs.
Shiba comes with its tests, both offline and online ones.
New in 1.1.2: Tests now running with mock.
Move into the offline subdirectory of tests/, and simply run nosetests.
If you want to run online test, you will primary need to get a PriceMinister sandbox account in order to proceed.
Then open up the tests/online/Assets/nosetests.cfg file and fill it up with your sandbox login and token (not password).
Then simply run nosetests inside the online tests folder.