Source code for shiba.accountingmanagement
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# class AccountingManagement
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from shibaconnection import ShibaConnection
from shibaexceptions import *
from shibatools import ShibaTools
from datetime import date
[docs]class AccountingManagement(object):
"""Accounting Management class, showing global financial operations on your account, or specific financial details
about an operation"""
def __init__(self, connection):
assert(isinstance(connection, ShibaConnection)), "error : you must give this instance a ShibaConnection instance"
self.connection = connection
[docs] def get_operations(self, lastoperationdate=""):
"""Get global operations which happened on your wallet, compensationid given back from XML can be used
in the get_compensation_details method below to get more detailed information about a specific operation.
:param lastoperationdate: as follows : dd/mm/yyyy-hh:mm:ss and as string or date instance.
operationcause = "salestransfer"
if isinstance(lastoperationdate, date) is False and type(lastoperationdate) is not str and \
type(lastoperationdate) is not unicode:
raise ShibaCallingError("Shiba code error : lastoperationdate parameter must be a datetime instance or str,"
" got " + unicode(type(lastoperationdate)) + " instead.")
if isinstance(lastoperationdate, date):
lastoperationdate = lastoperationdate.strftime("%d/%m/%y-%H:%M:%S")
inf = ShibaTools.inf_constructor(self.connection, "getoperations", **locals())
url = ShibaTools.url_constructor(self.connection, inf)
obj = ShibaTools.retrieve_obj_from_url(url)
return obj
[docs] def get_compensation_details(self, compensationid):
"""Get a specific operation details from its "compensationid" found in the get_operation request return."""
inf = ShibaTools.inf_constructor(self.connection, "getcompensationdetails", **locals())
url = ShibaTools.url_constructor(self.connection, inf)
obj = ShibaTools.retrieve_obj_from_url(url)
return obj