Source code for shiba.shibaexceptions
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Class ShibaException and inherited ones
# Shiba exceptions classes
from __future__ import unicode_literals
"""Those exception classes will usually be raised after an error returned from the WebServices"""
[docs]class ShibaException(Exception):
"""Main exception class, as you can catch the whole of Shiba exceptions from it"""
[docs]class ShibaParameterError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba parameter error, XML returned from the WebService told that one or more parameters are incorrect."""
[docs]class ShibaLoginError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba login error, XML returned from the WebService told that the login informations given are incorrect."""
[docs]class ShibaRightsError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba rights error, means XML returned the specified login IDs aren't authorized to access/modify such ressource
from the asked WebService"""
[docs]class ShibaServiceError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba service error, WebService told that an error have been encountered, but may can't precise where"""
[docs]class ShibaUnknownServiceError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba unknown service error, WebService has caused/encoutered an error, but we can't know why (followed by a
rough print of the XML retrieved"""
[docs]class ShibaConnectionError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba connection error, kind of an internal error: URL can't be reached, in case of bad URL formatting or
internet connection failure (HTTP errors 404, 500...)."""
[docs]class ShibaCallingError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba internal error, for code relative errors. If such an exception is raised, look at given parameters to
the API methods first as this is the major exception raising point for this type of exception"""
[docs]class ShibaQuotaExceededError(ShibaException):
"""Shiba throtlle error, you have sumbitted too many request of a type within a certain amount of time"""